Monday, May 19, 2008


I started out this blog whining about my grandmother mentioning that I have perhaps become a bit 'enormous'. However, while I don't think the "E" word really encompasses my current condition adequately, I really do need to lose some weight.

And so, after my surgery on Wednesday, I will be dieting as I recover. It'll be good for me in a lot of ways, and for Sonny (my significant other) as well.

Just thought I'd mention it on blogger. Perhaps I should take pictures of myself to capture the wonder (and slow starvation) of the diet plan...hopefully this will keep me motivated...::fingers crossed::

1 comment:

della stella said...

Kenny said you were enormous? Nice.

Remember, she said I looked pregnant once. Then laughed. Like it was funny. Some people don't get it, and that's ok. Doesn't make them bad people.

P.S. slow starvation (does not equal sign) diet

Can I be your diet coach? I've fallen off the Weight Watchers wagon and I need some inspiration!!