Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Post-Poem Regret


You know, late at night, I always get these silly urges to be creative and 'express myself', and then I usually end up with the sort of lame poetry that was featured last night. I apologize for this lapse in judgment. This is what happens when I spend too much time alone with my thoughts. :-)

Last night the kittens were adorable - for anyone who might not be familiar, I have three. Frigga and Freyja are the playful ones, and last night they definitely were in 'a mood'. I was sort of flirting around with going to bed, and apparently it wasn't quite fast enough for them, because they started trying to pin my arms down on the bed every time I moved something off of it. (At my apartment, the bed is usually covered in books/clothes/yarn)

This is an awful picture of me (why I shouldn't slouch), but this is a great example of the kittens. Trying to do homework? They sit on me. Trying to blog? They sit on me. Trying to play MarioKart Wii? They sit on me. AND try to eat the nunchuck cable. It's great.

Honestly, though, it's great to have little somebodies in the house. It gets lonely up here in North Jersey, and their decision to grace me with their presence brings me a whole lot of joy. (Frigga is on the 'bottom', Freyja is on the 'top')

Tonight I'm going to Mt. Pleasant (an animal shelter I volunteer at), and I'm going to be spending some time with one of the cats there. His name is Elmo, and he's really adorable. He's 12/13 years old, and diabetic. He requires injections two times a day, but aside from that slight issue, there's nothing wrong with this old boy. He's a sweetie and I'm worried about finding him a home. Luckily, Mt. Pleasant is a no-kill shelter, but because he has a special diet he has to stay in one of the (albeit roomy) cages all the time. I don't think he likes that at all. (This is Elmo, by the way).

I know it's not responsible to want to bring another cat into the house, but my heartstrings didn't stand a chance against this guy. He's like a big lion! With diabetes. But that's okay!

I'll be hoping and praying he gets a home. I'm going to put up the same runes I did for Callie (who was adopted!!!) when I was worried she wouldn't find a home.

1 comment:

Cakelet said...

Don't regret your poem. It takes alot of guts to write poetry. I think more people should do it. It's honest and it's raw. And a poem doesn't have to win a Pulitzer Prize to be a good poem. And even Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson (two of my favorites) wrote non-prizewinning poetry. Self-expression is a good thing. Repression...? not so good.

As for kitties... I assume you know about the www.icanhascheezburger.com website? I go there all the time for kitty fixes. I love kitties, and am an aspiring crazy cat lady.