Thursday, January 1, 2009

Why Does My Hot Tub Hate Me?

My legs are bright red.

The rest of me is a rather wan yellowish-green. I love hot tubs, truly I do. But apparently they have stopped liking me. Every time I've gotten in my parent's hot tub (it was 17 degrees F outside tonight when we went out), I end up feeling rather faint. I can only hope it's because of my burgeoning waistline, and the effect will go away with ::drumroll:: my new year's resolutions!!!

So cliche. I hate resolutions. But it's a convenient time to start, and after seeing myself in photos from family holidays (no, I will NOT post one), I see that I am no longer just pleasantly plump, and need to cut down. A lot.

So, after Sonny (my handsome fiance) goes back to school on the 12th, I'm joining Weight Watchers. I've proven time and time again that I simply don't have the willpower on my own to control my eating. I have made a lot of strides - most of the food I eat now is totally organic, and I'm preparing stuff myself instead of making quick junk from the Stop n' Shop. Trader Joe's has become my grocery mecca, and I hope to keep that up.

Weight Watchers is the next step. Cutting out the junk food really made a big deal with my health - I haven't had ::KNOCK ON WOOD:: any significant colds lately, and I used to get them all the time. So slimming down the portions and monitoring my intake is the next part of this progression.

A friend of mine at the office was also looking for someone to go to the gym down the way with her during lunch - she just wants to do the 30 minute Curves-esque portion, which I figure won't be too humiliating to do with her, despite the fact that I easily way at least twice (if not more) as much as she does.

I am happy with myself in a lot of ways. And I don't feel like I need to be some super-skinny ana type. I just want to feel more comfortable in myself, and hopefully losing the weight and getting more in shape will help with the endometriosis.

Which is a totally different story.

The Lupron (my latest chemical treatment) doesn't seem to work too well. The surgery I had in August is offically wearing off, and after almost collapsing in Best Buy in front of Sonny I really don't know what to do next. I'm going back on the pill (UGH) for now, but I've also started taking Evening Primrose Oil and Salmon Oil to help with the cramps. We'll see how it goes. I'm really frustrated and upset about this still, so I'm not going to dwell on it further.



They're awesome. They love my giant tummy!!! Makes for comfy snuggling. These awesome pictures are courtesy of the new, 8 megapixel Kodak EasyShare my parents got for me for Christmas (THANK YOU). It's been great for taking pictures at the shelter, too.

Anyway, I'll be posting more about stuff with the Fellowship soon - reveling in Pagan-ness is awesome!

1 comment:

Cakelet said...

I'm with you on your resolution to get your body back. I know its cliche and utterly tiresome, and I get sick of hearing myself say "I really have to do something about my weight" but I think, in the back of my mind, this is what I truly believe: Either I give up, and accept being fat for the rest of my life; Or, I keep trying and eventually succeed. I still prefer the second option.