Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Imbolc Ritual - Amazing!!!

Well, it's another hit from the Fellowship! Last night we had an Imbolc ritual, and it was fabulous. It was a wonderful, open environment, and I truly felt welcomed. I even got to participate in the ritual, and called the West quarter. It's a whole different experience when you're spiritually exercising like that as a group. I really had a blast.

One of the parts of the ritual was when Maggi, one of our fearless leaders, 'aspected' the countenance of Brighid. It was a really amazing experience, and it gave me clarity on how to move forward with my spirituality. I was told to keep Brighid's flame, and pray to her on the 20th day - and so here we are at day one. Maggi sweetly gave me a candle and a great chant to invoke the spirit of Brighid while lighting the candle:

Holy Well, Sacred Flame,
Maiden, Mother, Crone,
Bright One, Be Here
Bright One, Be Here.

It's simple and sweet, and I really like it. I found two other prayers on the internet (ah, the glorious tubes) to turn this into a daily ritual that can be replenished as I need it. Here's my basic structure:


This morning, as I kindle the flame upon my hearth, I pray that the flame of Brighid may burn in my soul, and the souls of all I meet today.

I pray that no envy and malice, no hatred or fear, may smother the flame.

I pray that indifference and apathy, contempt and pride, may not pour like cold water on the flame.

Instead, may the spark of Brighid light the love in my soul, that it may burn brightly throughout the day.

And may I warm those who are lonely, whose hearts are cold and lifeless, that all may know the comfort of Brighid's love.

::light candle::

Holy well, sacred flame,
Maiden, Mother, Crone,
Bright One Be Near
Bright One Be Near

Holy well, sacred flame,
Maiden, Mother, Crone,
Bright One Be Near
Bright One Be Near

::extinguish candle::

Brighid, preserve the fire, as we are preserved.

Brighid, may its warmth remain in our midst, as you are always among us.

Brighid, may it rise to life in the morning, as we rise to life.

Then throughout the day I'd use the "Holy Well/Sacred Flame" chant when I feel the need, whether it be for praise or for support.


More to come on the development of this mini-tual.

1 comment:

Cakelet said...

I went to a Full Moon circle this Sunday and we did an amazing guided meditation on the maiden, mother, crone triple goddess. I love when I'm handed another tool to use in building up what my life is becoming. I'm so grateful for it. It sounds like your ritual is doing for you what the meditation did for me. Feels good, doesn't it? I like getting that positive vibe.