Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Life, the Universe, and Everything

Well, I'm stuck at my desk until my boss calls to let me know that the draft of a spreadsheet I sent him is okay. So as revenge, I am posting because I'm 'technically' out of things to do for the day, unless I want to get wrapped up in a project that will keep me here until 7.

Today is my 1 year anniversary with Sonny. He surprised me last night, arriving at my door (after a 3 hour drive) wearing his kilt and speaking in a Scottish accent as he presented me with a dozen roses and a stuffed penguin from the Atlanta aquarium (where he visited last weekend).

It was so lovely to have him come and visit. I forget how lonely it really is without him sharing the apartment - as great as it is to have Frigga, Freyja, Norn, and Pan, it's still nice to have Sonny around to complete the picture.

I probably won't get to see him this weekend, but I feel a lot better about that now that we were able to spend some time together. I'll be working at the Faire the weekend of the 4th and 5th, so that'll be a lot of fun and something great to look forward to. He's been so patient with me with this whole 'menopause' thing - last week I felt like I was totally off my rocker, and he just took it all in stride. I am very, very lucky.

This weekend, my family is coming up on Sunday to go Mutts Mania, an event being held by the Mount Pleasant Animal Shelter. I've been a little disconnected from them lately what with all the school/health/etc. stuff going on, but I'm really getting back into the swing of things. I might even get the chance to work with some bottle babies (kittens) soon! Danielle had some with her the other night - they were adorable. It's a lot of work, but I think it's a great work that (when done in moderation) could be a really great exercise for mind, body, and spirit.

School is going...quickly. This is my second time taking Marketing, and it is just a killer class. So much work per week, and my group insists on meeting almost every other day for at least 1 1/2 or 2 hours. They're great folks, but I have a lot of trouble keeping up sometimes. I don't know how they all do it - obviously I am just a lazy bum if I'm having trouble finding the time.

Anyway, that's it for now - more meaningful posts coming soon!

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