Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Catching up


How else can I summarize the past month? It was October 18th, almost a month ago now, when Sonny proposed to me at the Renaissance Faire. Words cannot describe how unbelievably breathtaking the whole experience was. Sonny had it planned out beautifully. Apparently he'd been working on the whole event for a month.

He told me the week before that Saturday that he had gotten this giant order in for four dozen roses, to be delivered at Queen's Court. He told me he didn't know many details of the delivery, so he'd have to scoot of partway through our preparations that morning to make sure he delivered to the right person. Little did I know he was making the final preparations for his proposal while I sat vialing roses behind the shop! I had the whole four dozen (and then some) vialed by the time he got back.

The reason I rushed through getting them ready was because Laura and Val had slipped behind the shop with me after Sonny had taken off. They told me that they had arranged with the Queen to have Sonny knighted as the Best Bud Stud Ever (which of course he is). I thought this was a marvelous idea, and so set about making sure everything would be ready in time for him to be there for Queen's Court at 11:15. First, I called my parents (who were coming, and I had never given a second thought as to why) to let them know they should be there on time to see Sonny be knighted. Then I remembered Sonny had said his mother was coming as well - and I thought to myself 'what luck! She'll see him get knighted too!'. So obviously it's just not that hard at all to pull the wool over my eyes.

Laura arranged so that we could all go to Queen's Court and 'watch Sonny be knighted'. I sat with my family, and saw Sonny standing off to the side. 'Mua ha ha', I thought, 'he has no idea what's about to happen!'. Again, with the obliviousness. Sonny came up to the front of the stage and started speaking - I wondered how much they must have tipped him to get him to be so willing to speak in front of so many people!!! And of course, the rest is history - the presentation of the roses, him going down on one knee, and of course, lots of kisses!

I was ashamed to admit to him later I couldn't remember what I had said - but thankfully he remembered exactly what I responded to him with:

"Yes, of course yes!"

PS - That rainbow appeared mysteriously in one of the pictures Amanda took. I haven't doctored this photo or anything - I think it's just another good omen for what is going to be an amazing marriage and a wonderful life.


della stella said...

Aaaw..... Great post! :)

Maggi said...

I lOVE the rainbow photo. Very nice!