Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Quest for the Medical Records...

What is it about women's health that makes it so unbelievably impossible to obtain your records in a timely and orderly manner? I sent in a request for my records weeks ago, and they just haven't been able to get around to sending them, apparently. I understand that offices can be busy, but with medical records, isn't there sense of urgency when it comes to making sure everyone has the appropriate information?

I bet if it was a testical wellness clinic of some sort they'd have the records teleported directly to my new doctor's office. Tune in next week for "Sexism and the Medical Industry: OLD NEWS!!!"

But at least I have my lolcats...


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, us menfolk get the same treatment. Try knowing that you have a growing brain tumor and waiting two months for your doctor to get around to looking at your MRI. And the only reason mine bothered to look after two months was because I finally made a complaint with the Dept. of Health, they subpoenaed my records, and the doctor got scared. While I empathize with your situation, doctors are scum and you may as well accept it. :~(

della stella said...

If only life was like ER.... Dr. Carter could quickly read your results whilr Dr. Ross gives you a root rub. I mean, what?