Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Why Norn is the coolest cat in the world...

Well, she affirmed it the other day. Norn is the coolest cat in the world, (aside from Frigga and Feyja). Check out this awesome picture that she posed for - it was absolutely spontaneous!

I especially like the green gazer-beam eyes that say , "We're totally winning the championship this year". (For those who are not in-the-know, the 20 is for Tony Stewart's number 20 Home Depot machine in the NASCAR Sprint Cup series).

Norn gets to go to the vet today to have her hip looked at thoroughly. She is missing one of her back legs, and the other back leg has a very bad hip. When I took her home from the animal shelter, they said that she would need surgery, but I'm beginning to suspect that it may be unecessary and perhaps even traumatic for her. Hopefully Dr. Wolf, (yes, my vet's name is Dr. Wolf) will be able to help me assess her from a more holistic standpoint.

Anyway, any crossed fingers in general would be a good thing. Norn deserves a chance at a pain-free life - she's been through a lot. ::FINGERSCROSSEDTOESCROSSED::

Since I'm trying to learn these runes anyway, let's stick three of 'em together for Norn. We have Uruz, for strength and vitality. Laguz, for healing and renewal. And Algiz, for protection.

1 comment:

della stella said...


(That's for Dr. Wolf)

Feel better, Norn!