Monday, April 14, 2008

Movie Recommendation: The Painted Veil

There are WAY too many movies out there today that portray either an unrealistically perfect romance, an unrealistically imperfect romance, or a comic distortion of love in general.

The Painted Veil is a real breath of fresh air in an otherwise murky and often formulaic Hollywood landscape.

It takes place in early twentieth century China, during the British occupation and in a time of significant cultural conflicts and turmoil. Against this backdrop, the main characters of Dr. and Mrs. Fane make their way through an unfortunate pairing that leaves the young Kitty Fane wishing for more out of her life and falling all-too-willingly into an extramarital affair.

Once Dr. Fane discovers her adultery, he brings her with him into mainland China during the worse cholera outbreak the country has ever seen. The naive, faltering, and often selfish beginnings to this relationship are stripped away in the unrelenting turmoil caused by the disease - and the impact it has on the couple is amazing to watch.

An excellent view, especially for anyone looking for a real, more honest romance. Be prepared for some sadness, though - cholera makes for an unforgiving storyline.

1 comment:

della stella said...

"...cholera makes for an unforgiving storyline."

Best quote EVER.