Thursday, May 22, 2008

Crocs are evil...

I'm so glad the lols agree with me...

I'm a fashion idiot, and even I won't stoop to Crocs...


della stella said...

The Manolo would be so proud!

Thorn said...

So, I found a link to your blog (which I didn't even know existed) on Amanda's blog, and you already got me all indignant!

My bright green crocs are the shit, and I'm the miggity miggity miggity mac! What you thought.

Anyway, I'll be reading your blog now, mwahahahahaha. Though, I usually read them through RSS feed, Google reader style, so I don't comment very often...only when I'm feeling very daring that the work patrol won't catch me. It's the thrill of life on the edge!