Monday, June 9, 2008

LOLz and bridal shower hats...

I have a brilliant plan for my sister's bridal shower. As an invitation, she sent out hats to everyone, and we are supposed to decorate them and bring them for 'judgement'. The winner gets a really cool quilt my mom made, so I am seriously gunning for the prize.

However, I have a secret weapon. One that will blow everyone away. My hat is TOTALLY going to win. But since I can't post about it here (since the only person who really reads this blog is Amanda, and she's supposed to be surprised), I will blog about the outcome after June 21st.

In the meantime, here is a LOL with which to amuse yourself...

It's not that I will own too many is that too many cats will own me... :-)


della stella said...

I look forward to seeing the hat....

and (I know I say this every time, but) this is my new favorite lolcat! :)

Thorn said...

So, we got these crazy hats in the mail... It mentioned something about decorating them, but I had no idea that one of Toni's quilts is on the line! Oh man, it's on!