Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Quick update...

Fuzzy Family:
All's well, though Norn's been under the bed a lot lately.

The Boy:
All's well, though he's a bit covered in poison ivy and in dire need of a real vacation.

The Job:
All's well, but BUSY

The Shelter:
I've been a sucky volunteer about posting cats...but am trying to be better!

The Schooling:
This is actually the big news. I've decided to take a 2 month break from coursework - I've just been totally overwhelmed lately. I feel a bit like a failure, but in the end, it's much better for my GPA if I just suck it up and rest during the evening instead of frantically trying to keep up with courework.

The Travellers:
I've actually not heard back from the initial organization I contacted, so I've tried another avenue. We shall see what comes of it...

1 comment:

della stella said...

2 month break? Sounds like it might be a good idea to take some time to reboot. So I guess the semester is over?