Monday, July 21, 2008

Freyja - The Results

So, here's the basic jist of Freyja's echocardiogram last week.

She does have HCM (hypertrophic cardiomyopathy), though it is currently in a "mild to moderate" range. The thickness of the walls of her heart should be 5 mm or less, and she has "variable thickness" that ranges up to over 7 mm.

That seems terribly thick for such a small cat, (she weighs less than 5 pounds all told), but the doctor didn't seem overly concerned at this point. The problem with HCM is that there is no proscribed course the disease takes - she could stay at this "mild to moderate" state for the rest of her life, or she may die of heart failure before Christmas.

The 'good news' about a diagnosis of HCM is that she isn't going to suffer a long, drawn-out illness that will cause her pain and suffering. When the end comes, it's relatively quick. There are just some 'small' steps I have to take to help ensure that she has a nice long life.

First, no more catnip. ::sigh:: I guess we'll just have to rely on Frigga and her using up their 'normal' kitten energy in a natural way. Though it is hilarious to see them in the throes of catnip, this is something easy. Next, I have to put her on a special food, Hill's Feline K/D. Because all three cats (Frigga, Freyja, and Norn) are 'grazers' (i.e. I have food out all day for them), everyone is going on the special diet. It's good for everybody, so I don't feel bad about that at all.

Sonny was so sweet - I couldn't afford to expensive food right away, so I was just going to feed them what's left of the Kitten Purina One, but he bought a bag for all the girls to tide them over until I can get another bag. It'll be expensive, but not too much more than the nice food I already got them, so I'm trying not to be too upset over it.

So, I have to keep her excitement down. No more catnip. And special food. Hopefully, this small bit of extra effort will lead to a LOT of healthier life for her. I'm going to have her scheduled for another echo in a year, and if she's at the same point, I'll leave off of them until she becomes symptomatic.

::sigh:: For now, I have to get over checking her every time she coughs or acts funny. But she's fine (aside from a hilarious shaved patch on her chest), and so she will hopefully continue ad infinitum.

Did I mention how cute Frigga, Freyja, and Norn have been lately? They're a regular gang now...I'm so glad I get to share living quarters with such wonderful, amusing bundles of fur. That includes Sonny, of course. ;-)

1 comment:

della stella said...

How does Sonny feel being referred to as an amusing bundle of fur?! :)