Monday, February 23, 2009


Had to take a break...

Between writing a paper on (hang on, let me check what the title of this goddam thing is before I get it wrong) 'Management Control in the Context of Organizational Theories" and studying the history of American Law (for my paralegal course), my brain is melting.


At least Freyja is playing with one of her springs. That will bring me joy as I feel my grey matter seeping out of my ears (there's nothing quite like watching a kitten walk around with a spring hanging out of her mouth). She's taken to jumping into the IKEA cat tent with it, and bouncing it off the walls in there. It's hilarious.


Back to the melting.

1 comment:

Cakelet said...

I pity you and envy you at the same time. Going to school is a privilege and a curse. But, mostly, a privilege.