Saturday, February 28, 2009

Hell yes! I'm a Chicken Qabalist!

I had an absolutely great book club meeting on Thursday night this week. The Fellowship (again, coolest Pagan group around) has set up a series of "Roundtables" where we will be studying the book "Chicken Qabalah" by Lon Milo Duguette. Lon is an awesome author with a GREAT sense of humor - and a lot of excellent practical experience and knowledge to back it up. On Thursday, we met at one of the coolest houses I've been in (thank you to the folks who put us up!), with a fireplace and wood floors and nice plush (old style!) chairs.

We had a great discussion, that ran the gamut from the Goddess figure in Feri tradition to personal struggles to (of course) Chicken Qabalah. Basically, this book is just a primer on occult Qabalah, presented in a nice, easy to follow format. I'll follow up with more Chicken Qabaltastic wonderment later - but for now, definitely check it out on Amazon. Totally worth it.

1 comment:

Cakelet said...

That's sounds interestng and fun. I studied the Tree of Life from the Qabalah when I did a stint in the Order of the Golden Dawn. Really cool stuff. And not too "out there" either. What you learn you can apply to your daily life, like any self-help book. I hope you will keep us posted on things you learn.