Thursday, February 5, 2009

"Unfriended" - from Cakelet

I read an awesome blog called Cakelet, and the author recently posted about a friend that she had lost, the only friend she had ever been wronged by.

Her gracious, kind response to her friend's betrayal was so complete and so genuine that I was deeply moved. I can be petty, cruel, and so thoughtless when I feel that I have been wronged. I am judgmental, quick to anger, and slow to recant. Thankfully, I am surrounded by wonderful people who rarely set off my temper - in truth, it is more often myself than any others combined that make me angry.

But going back to Cakelet's post - I am reminded of the one friend by whom I have felt truly and deeply wronged. While we still remained 'friends' after this incident, I have forever been harboring feelings of betrayal and hurt since this happened. I am writing this post today in honor of the season of light which began with Imbolc on the 2nd, in celebration of the return of the sun. I hold up this hardened and cold part of my heart to be exposed to the light, and therefore warmed.

When I was 16, I became pregnant. Being young, stupid, and selfish, I was terrified and simply took the instructions of those who were not acting in my or my child's best interest. There was one person I reached out to while I was still pregnant, to let her know about what had happened and ask for her help. I remember very clearly, walking down the ramp from the cafeteria to class in my high school, with her at my side, telling her I had a secret and needed help.

She looked me straight in the face and said (ironically), "Well, as long as you're not pregnant, anything!". I was so stunned I said nothing, just stared at her (with a face probably white as a sheet). She stood looking at me for a moment, and then realizing what my silence meant, she immediately shook her head and looked away. "Don't say anything else," she said, "or I won't be able to talk to you or be your friend anymore".

So, silenced, I continued walking down the corridor with her and sealed my lips firmly, vowing not to talk to anyone else.

I have never shared about this before. Now that my blog is known to so many of my friends and family, I almost hesitate to write it down. But honestly, this was one of the pivotal moments in my life, and it defined me and my feelings for a long time.

I wrote this to cleanse myself of my anger, and honestly, I do feel better. I forgive her. She was young and scared, as I was, and in her fear reacted as I had: shutting down. So I forgive her. I truly forgive her, for she was never at fault for reacting as she did. I will let this go now, like a candle floating away on the waves, and fill in another dark hole in my heart with renewing earth. Let's hope something else grows there now.

1 comment:

Cakelet said...

I'm really glad that post inspired you to do what you are doing. It really does feel good to forgive and let things go. I know how much it hurts to be abandoned by a friend. But anger and resentment, even if they're justified, just weigh you down. I feel sad for what happened between you and your friend. It must have hurt. But the world is big... there are many people in it who need that light you're talking about. I'm glad you're letting yours shine. I'm glad you shined it on me today.