Monday, March 23, 2009

So much for neutral ground...

An article on CNN today shared that South Africa just refused a visa to the Dalai Lama, a visa that was requested to facilitate his attendance at an international peace conference in Johannesburg.

The archbishop Demond Tutu and F. W. DeKlerk are now boycotting the event, and I encourage all other leaders attending the conference to do the same.

Productive peace discussions can only take place on neutral ground, and South Africa has blatantly demonstrated that they do not intend to provide such a field for discussions. By bowing to China, (with whom they have profitable trade negotiations), and disallowing this visit by a nobel laureate, they hearken back to the days of Nelson Mandela's imprisonment.

They thinly veiled their refusal by saying it would take away from their hosting of the 2010 World Cup (HUH?!?) in a ridiculous attempt to save face.

I am ashamed of South Africa's actions, and hope that others see this ridiculous power-play for what it is.

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